Making Simple, Practical, Affordable Custom Kydex Holsters Since 2011

Tuckable Inside Waistband - IWB and Appendix Carry - AIWB - Holsters with or without Laser


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The PJ Holster tuckable inside waistband holsters - IWB - and Appendix Carry - AIWB - are made with a separate clip that provides a gap between the body of the holster and the clip allowing you to tuck a shirt over your gun. The body is made from either the thinnest available .060 or the sturdier, .080 kydex.  The standard is now .080. I have found that this gives the best retention and durability. If you still want the .060 for the thinnest possible tuckable holster, it is available.

I have replaced the kydex clip on with the TacWare clip and the kydex J hook with a polymer J hook..  

 The 'Polymer Tough Clip' is a very narrow, strong clip that shows very little of the clip on the belt. The 'TAC Clip' allows for adjustable cants and is a little wider to help support heavier guns.  Check the 'Belt Clip Options' page for pictures

The PJ Holster tuckable inside waistband holsters are available in solid black, solid colors, camo, or two-tone which is a colored  or camo body and a black or other color clip. Most lasers are available.

Color Choices
